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Poste Italiane: the first edition of the TG Poste Award to a young Tuscan journalist

The winner, awarded by Poste Italiane Chiar Silvia Maria Rovere, CEO Matteo Del Fante and General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, will be given a scholarship for advanced training at Columbia University in New York

Annalisa Berti, a 29-year-old journalist and social media manager from Tuscany, is the winner of the first edition of the TG Poste journalism award, the daily news programme of Poste Italiane. The award was established with the aim of discovering and launching young talents in journalism capable of experimenting with new ways of storytelling and offer fresh perspectives on current events and the future.

The podium

The runners-up were Davide Fantozzi, 27, and Veronica Stigliani, 30, both from Rome. The three winners, awarded by Poste Italiane Chair Silvia Maria Rovere, CEO Matteo Del Fante and General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, will be given the opportunity to gain work experience at the TG Poste, while the first place winner will also receive a scholarship that will open the doors of the prestigious Columbia University for a higher education experience.

The award presentation

The award ceremony was held in Rome at the Casina Poste, in the evocative Tiber River Park. The was attended by the top management of Poste Italiane, a large representation of editors of national press, TV and web, as well as numerous journalists. The winner Annalisa Berti was awarded the TG Poste Award by producing a social media report dedicated to passport applications at post offices, which the Jury of Excellence judged to be "a fresh and direct report, with a new language and captivating graphics, in line with typical social media communication, the content is consistent with the values of inclusion that inspire Poste Italiane's Polis project".

Praise from the top executives at Poste

"I congratulate the first winner of the TG Poste Award Annalisa Berti, along with Davide Fantozzi and Veronica Stigliani for having been able to capture and tell the essence of Poste Italiane's social vocation with different tools, observed from a contemporary point of view," commented Silvia Maria Rovere, Chair of Poste Italiane. "I am particularly satisfied with the presence of two women on the podium. "In Poste Italiane's DNA there is the courage to focus on innovation and young talent. This commitment extends to our information initiatives, including TG Poste and this award," said Poste Italiane CEO Matteo Del Fante. "I am very satisfied with the very wide participation that the initiative has had among journalists, confirming that the Poste Italiane brand is a symbol of prestige even in the world of communication". "I congratulate the award-winners, who managed to approach with great skill the uncommon but highly topical subject of ethical principles and sustainability," said Giuseppe Lasco, Poste Italiane's CEO, "and I want to emphasise Poste Italiane's ability to network Italy's vast media landscape, whose enthusiastic collaboration has been invaluable".

The contest

The TG Poste Award was open to professional journalists, freelancers under 30 years of age registered with the Journalists' Association, or students from recognized Journalism Schools, with a bachelor's or master's degree and at least 10 self-certified journalistic contents published in the last 12 months. The contestants created a short video presentation and an unpublished journalistic report (for TV, printed newspapers, web or social media). These submissions, often inspired by current events, reflected themes from Poste Italiane's Strategic Plan: integrity and transparency, sustainable finance, value to the territory, diversity and inclusion, green transition, innovation, customer experience and people development.

About TG Poste

TG Poste, the news bulletin of Poste Italiane, airs live every day at 12, providing a global perspective on the most significant economic, political and cultural current affairs in Italy and worldwide, explored in detail with insights from experts and notable journalists, and features thematic highlights in each edition about the initiatives and business of Italy’s largest company. The TG Poste is available in post offices throughout Italy, on the website, on the website, the TG Poste app and on the social media channels of Poste Italiane.