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E-commerce: PostePay e Amazon insieme per migliorare l’esperienza di acquisto online dei clienti
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E-commerce: PostePay and Amazon together to improve customers' online shopping experience

Automated top-up mechanism strengthens collaboration between PostePay, a Poste Italiane Group company, and Amazon

PostePay, a leader in the digital payments market in Italy, and Amazon, a global player in the e-commerce sector, are strengthening their partnership with joint initiatives that simplify the online checkout and payment process, improving customer shopping security.

Faster payments

Thanks to the increased synergy between the two companies, Postepay prepaid cardholders will be able to complete their purchase process more quickly, easily and intuitively. In particular, the automatic top-up function allows purchases to be completed even with insufficient card funds for the required payment, thanks to the automated mechanism that adds funds the Postepay Card balance.

Innovative solutions

This consolidates the relationship between Amazon and PostePay, the electronic money institution of the Poste Italiane Group, leading the way in modern payment solutions, with more than 30 million cards issued and €63 billion in transactions (of which €20 billion from e-commerce). PostePay contributes daily to driving innovation in the digital payments sector and, thanks to its partnership with Amazon, enhances its role in Italy's e-commerce market by providing solutions that simplify the online shopping experience.