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Poste Italiane
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Polis, Welfare and Investment: Poste continues on the path of sustainable growth

Poste is among the top three FTSEMIB companies in the Identity Corporate Index (ICI) and has completed the development phase of the Green Index

Poste Italiane successfully continues its sustainable growth journey, creating long-term value for all stakeholders. Key achievements in q2-24:

  • Poste Italiane is among the top three FTSE MIB companies in the Identity Corporate Index (ICI), the corporate ESG identity index. The assessment has particularly recognised Poste Italiane in the “Manager for the Polis” area, for its significant role in the community and excellence in integrating ESG aspects as a competitive advantage in its strategy.
  • Completed the development phase of Poste Italiane’s Green Index, the calculation model for tracking greenhouse gas emissions data, which measures the carbon footprint at each stage of the entire logistics chain. It has been certified by the Smart Freight Centre in accordance with the Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework for Logistics Emissions Methodologies (GLEC Framework).
  • Polis project: 1,890 post offices in municipalities with less than 15 thousand inhabitants offer citizens digital access to Public Administration services. 6 co-working spaces (out of 38 completed projects) are already available for private individuals, professionals and start-ups.
  • Sustainability: Poste Italiane reduces logistics and real estate environmental impact. The Group’s delivery fleet includes 27,400 low-emission vehicles (of which around 5,900 full electric and 8,500 hybrid); approximately 5,600 electric charging stations have been installed. The number of sites featuring Smart Building solutions has increased to over 2,100, while the total number of installed photovoltaic plants amounts to 366 (covering a total area of around 88,000 square metres).
  • Poste Mondo Welfare: participation has increased by 47.5% compared to 2023. The new internally developed platform offers an increasingly wide range of welfare products and services for employees.
  • The European Investment Bank (EIB) is financing Poste Italiane with €450 million to promote digitalisation, automation and energy efficiency. The objectives of the financial agreement include: the development of automation and digitalization of logistics processes (two new parcel sorting hubs); migration of software platforms to the cloud, enhancement of physical and digital channels and application of AI tools for automation and security enhancement.
  • Poste Vita and BancoPosta Fondi SGR are expanding their offerings with products for more sophisticated and sustainability-conscious clients (pursuant to art.8 of EU Regulation 2019/2088 – SFDR). Poste Vita has launched two class-I Life investment insurance products: ‘Poste Prospettiva Valore Gold III’ and ‘Poste Valore Solidità Più’; BancoPosta Fondi SGR has launched ‘BancoPosta Universo ObbligazionarioPiù’, a mixed bond fund aimed at seizing growth opportunities in global markets.