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L’AD di Poste Del Fante: l’intelligenza artificiale è utile a cittadini e business, va usata in maniera misurata
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Poste’s CEO Del Fante: artificial intelligence is useful for citizens and business, if used in a measured way

The words of Poste Italiane’s CEO on the sidelines of the Lectio magistralis held at the "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" School of Economic and Social Policy

“Artificial intelligence is a tool that must enter into the everyday lives of citizens and their habits in an intelligent, measured, coordinated, supervised and regulated manner. It has also slowly entered the activities of Poste Italiane.” These are the words of Poste Italiane’s CEO Matteo Del Fante on the sidelines of the Lectio Magistralis held at the "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" School of Economic and Social Policy at the Convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

Productivity and development

From logistics to customer services, down to Poste Italiane's new Super App - Del Fante believes that artificial intelligence will bring benefits to the productivity and development of the company's various businesses. During his speech, the CEO of Poste Italiane also discussed the company's commitment to bridging the digital divide in small towns and inland areas through the Polis project.