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Il Direttore Generale di Poste Lasco: “Avviati 1.600 cantieri Polis, abbiamo già rilasciato i primi 20 passaporti”
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The General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco: “1,600 Polis construction sites launched, we have already issued the first 20 passports”

The General Manager of Poste at the end of the presentation of the new Business Plan: Polis, passports in 131 post offices by April

The Polis Project for towns with less than 15,000 inhabitants is on its way and by April the passport application and renewal service will be extended to a further 131 post offices throughout Italy. This was assured by Giuseppe Lasco, General Manager of Poste Italiane, at the end of Capital Markets Day 2024.

Polis numbers

“We are in an advanced state,” said the General Manager. “We currently have around 1,600 construction sites open,” he added, “800 post offices have already been built. Most authorised services, such as registry and INPS certificates, are provided in these Polis offices. The pilot project of issuing and renewing passports - launched in two towns in the Bologna area, San Pietro in Casale and Toscanella - resulted in 20 requests in less than two weeks. In April,” Lasco concluded, “we will extend the service to a further 131 post offices.

Above, statements by General Manager Giuseppe Lasco to TG Poste