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Security Day, Minister Piantedosi: 'Poste as an example in security policies'

CEO Matteo Del Fante and Co-Director General Giuseppe Lasco shared the investments and interventions for the prevention and strengthening of controls to reduce robberies and burglaries with the Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi took part in the Security Day promoted by Poste Italiane, which took place at the head office in Rome, meeting with 200 Poste Italiane employees who have suffered criminal attacks in the course of their work in post offices throughout Italy in recent years. The Security Day was an opportunity to share the prevention measures and the strengthening of the control system which, in 2023, led to a decrease in cases of robbery and theft in post offices and to a further increase in the degree of security guaranteed to citizens and employees.

Poste Italiane in figures

This is a truly significant result considering that Poste Italiane is the country's largest company in terms of number of employees and one of the main players on the national economic and financial scene, with a network of 12,800 post offices (which handled over EUR 70 billion in 2022), more than 8,100 Postamat ATMs, 35 million customers and an average of 20 million daily interactions with Italian citizens.

Piantedosi's words

‘With Poste Italiane there is a long and fruitful cooperation which, over time, has covered more and more articulated scenarios, ranging from the repression of unlawful acts to the fight against financial crimes, from the protection of the company's networks and IT infrastructures, to the protection and awareness-raising, in particular of the elderly and weaker persons, in the use of web services. Not to mention the more recent Polis project, which envisages using the widespread network of post offices throughout the territory to carry out those front office and administrative activities that burden police offices, taking time and resources away from operational tasks. Over the years, our collaboration with the Group has seen the areas of intervention grow in step with the evolution of the concept of security which, in the modern sense, represents a complex good capable of directly affecting the well-being of citizens and their quality of life, conditioning the development of society as a whole. Today, in fact, security is no longer identified only with the traditional sphere of preventing criminal phenomena, but it extends to all those issues that can disturb the serenity of the community. Therefore, in order to respond to the increased security expectations of our citizens, an overall vision is required to read the complexity of the present and design an integrated system capable of effectively countering increasingly diversified threats. This is also thanks to the important synergies that can be achieved between the public and private sectors, such as the one that we have been pursuing for a long time with Poste Italiane,' highlighted the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi.

Poste's prevention

'I would like to thank the Minister of the Interior for his presence at the Security Day,' said Poste Italiane’s CEO Matteo Del Fante, 'an opportunity that allowed him to visit our facilities and learn about the complex system set up by Poste Italiane to prevent and respond to attempted criminal attacks throughout the country. The results obtained are very important and must serve as a spur for us to do even better with the aim of further enhancing the perception of security of the millions of citizens who enter post offices every day as well as of our employees.'

Effective strategy

'The numbers demonstrate the effectiveness of our security strategy,' said Co-General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, 'and confirm the value of the collaboration that Poste Italiane has consolidated with the Ministry of the Interior, the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza. We wanted to meet with the Minister all the colleagues who have suffered a robbery to make them feel the closeness of the State and the company, as demonstrated by the significant investments in both physical security in the workplace and in training for the prevention of criminal events.'


During the Security Day, certificates of recognition were handed out to 200 Poste Italiane employees for their reliability and exemplary conduct in service. Poste Italiane's Security Day ended with Minister Piantedosi's visit to Poste Italiane's Security room and to Poste Centro Medico, the health centre of excellence available to employees for specialist examinations and diagnostic services.