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Sustainability: Poste confirms its position of global leadership

Poste Italiane confirms its sustainable growth path for the benefit of all stakeholders: here are the main awards and results for the second quarter

Poste Italiane confirms its sustainable growth path benefitting all stakeholders. The constant commitment to engage and raise awareness among our people is key to achieving our social and environmental objectives laid out in the group's strategy.

Key achievements in the quarter

  • Poste Italiane confirms its leading position in the MIB® ESG index by Euronext and Borsa Italiana, dedicated to blue-chip companies listed in Italy that display best practices in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). Poste reaffirms its leadership in the ESG GLOBAL SCORE achieving the highest score in the social and governance areas, based on the evaluation by Vigeo Eiris, a Moody's ESG Solutions company. Our leadership in this index confirms once again the validity and centrality of our sustainability strategy.
  • Poste Italiane is among the top three companies in the Integrated Governance Index (IGI) 2023 ranking, the quantitative index based on a questionnaire addressed to approximately 100 listed and unlisted companies, measuring the degree of integration of ESG factors in corporate strategies.
  • Poste Italiane is among the national excellences according to the trust 2023 research. Lundquist's analysis of over 200 companies has focused on their ability to communicate with transparency and effectiveness vision, sustainability commitments, investments in innovation, leadership on key issues, as well as the ability to attract talent.
  • Launched in June, the new "Faccio bene" volunteer campaign, in collaboration with accredited Third Sector Entities (TSEs) and implementing the agreement signed with the National Third Sector Forum in February 2022. Employees who choose to join the volunteer community will participate outside of working hours in projects dedicated to education, the environment and health, contributing to the creation of value for the country.
  • Progressing the green transition, with initiatives focused on reducing environmental impacts resulting from production activities and promoting environmental awareness. At the end of June, the number of low-emission vehicles was approximately 24,500 (of which c.4,800 electric), c.1,880 buildings were involved in the Smart Building project and the proportion of eco-friendly cards in the total number of payment cards issued rose to 27% (vs. 9% in Q2-22). In addition, the "Green Talk" was held this month, an educational initiative for around 12,000 managers committed to spreading energy-conscious behavior within the Group.
  • Confirmed strong investment portfolio’s ESG score. BancoPosta Fondi SGR and Poste Vita portfolios recorded ESG and carbon footprint performances stronger than reference benchmarks, confirming the high-quality level of Group’s sustainability investment strategy.