Poste Italiane pays attention to sustainability in every field in which it operates, including finance. It was precisely sustainable finance that was the protagonist of the third Focus Group of the Multistakeholder Forum, attended by Stefano Giuliani, CEO of Bancoposta Fondi SGR, Alberto Luchini, Head of Investment at Poste Vita, and Massimiliano Riggi, Head of Investor Relations.
Bancoposta's sustainable finance
Bancoposta Fondi SGR, the asset management company of Gruppo Poste Italiane, has decided to integrate sustainability criteria into its investment activities. There are several activities that testify to Bancoposta's responsible approach to investing, such as the signing of the Principles for Responsible Investment in 2019. This approach has enabled Bancoposta to anticipate market trends and new European legislation on the subject. Another pillar of Bancoposta's business is transparency and, for this reason, the company provides its stakeholders with timely reports on its activities.
Poste Vita at the Multistakeholder Forum
Poste Italiane's path towards sustainability, which began several years ago, involves all components of the Group. Poste Vita, the Group's insurance company, has also made the integration of ESG criteria into its investments a key factor in its sustainability strategy. In order to offer a product in line with the Group's social and environmental values, Poste Vita has in fact adopted guidelines for investments, especially those in sensitive areas, and has set up a dedicated section of the investor committee to periodically review ESG criteria, assess risks and opportunities, and possibly exclude criteria. Obviously, as stressed during the Sustainable Finance Focus Group, there is also a strong focus on climate, taking into account the carbon footprint of the various investments, for example, in order to favour a transition from a coal-based economy to a green one.
Excluded investments
Both exclude funding for companies working in sectors not in line with Poste's principles. The 'blacklists' of investments are constantly being updated and extended: these include all companies that produce weapons or even only components related to the world of armaments.
The products offered
Over the years, various products have been made available by Poste Italiane to ensure sustainable investments for its customers. For example, three Bancoposta funds recently changed their policy, incorporating new ESG criteria: BancoPosta flexible equity, BancoPosta income horizon and BancoPosta international equity. PosteVita's journey began in 2021 with PosteVita Obiettivo Sostenibilità, and Poste Progetto Valore 360 - a sustainable multi-branch insurance solution - was launched in May 2021.