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Payments and mobile: extraordinary growth across the business

Continued growth in the payments and mobile segment: a solid 30% to €1.1 billion in 2022

FY-22 Payments and Mobile segment revenues continued to rise by a strong 30% y/y to €1.1bn (+40.2% y/y to €368m in Q4-22), with LIS generating €93m revenues incremental contribution in the year (€69m in Q4-22), confirming the role played by PostePay as leader in the fast-growing and evolving digital payments environment in Italy.

Card payments climbed from €457m in 2021 to €582m in 2022, up 27.2% y/y (+30.6% y/y to €178m in Q4-22). The shift towards higher recurring margin Evolution cards continued, with the total stock now at 9.5million cards (up 12.1% y/y in 2022).

Other payments recorded a continued growth of 102.7% y/y to €233m in 2022 (+104.5% y/y to €99m in Q4-22), mainly thanks to payment transactions directly managed by PostePay as Payment Service Provider.

FY-22 Telco revenues were up 3.2% y/y to €319m (+5.4% y/y to €82m in Q4-22), benefitting from a consistent customer base of 4.8 million users (+1.9% y/y from 4.7 million in 2021) and a low churn rate.

E-commerce transactions continue the upward trend in 2022 to 598.6m from 519.9m (+15.1% y/y). The new energy offer, launched in June 2022 for Poste's employees and retirees and now publicly available to market, contributed with €12.1million in 2022.

Poste confirms its leadership as digital ID provider: PosteID (Poste Italiane’s National Digital ID solution) in 2022 has now been adopted by 23.8m clients (+12.7% y/y)[1].

In FY-22 EBIT was up 34.8% y/y to €379m (+42.7% y/y to €109m in Q4-22).

GUIDANCE - 2023 Financial Targets

Payments & Mobile segment revenues are expected to rise to €1.7bn vs FY-22[2] of €1.32bn, of which:

• Card payments: €0.7bn vs. FY-22 of €0.58bn.

• Telco revenues: €0.3bn vs. FY-22 of €0.32bn.

• Other payments: €0.4bn vs. FY-22 of €0.23bn.

• Energy business revenues: €0.2bn vs. FY-22 of €0.01bn.

• EBIT: €0.4bn[3] stable vs. FY-22 EBIT.