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From awards to sustainable growth: Poste's key achievements in 2022

Poste Italiane has continued to create value for the benefit of all stakeholders and Italy through digitalisation and social inclusion

Poste Italiane created economic value both for our stakeholders and for the country, in terms of:

• Gross Domestic Product: €12.9 billion.

• Employment income: €7.0 billion.

• Taxes paid to the Public Administration: €2.1 billion. The Group continues to support Italy’s socio-economic growth by remaining an integral part of local communities.

• Financial and digital education initiatives: around 70,000 people involved since the beginning of the year. During the fifth edition of the Financial Educational Month (#ottobreEdufin22), Poste Italiane developed a series of webinars to help make Italians more aware of their insurance, pension and financial planning choices.

• Agreement with Unimpresa: Poste Italiane will offer innovative products and services to micro, small and medium enterprises.

• Renewed the security agreement between Poste Italiane and the Italian State Police: long-standing collaboration ensuring relevant synergies to prevent financial crimes.

Obtained remarkable awards for our Human Capital Management practices, supporting innovation and the dissemination of an inclusive corporate culture.

Poste Italiane is “Top Employer” for the fourth consecutive year, thanks to the excellence in training and welfare policies. In 2022, around six million hours of training have been delivered and a parenting policy has been introduced.

• Poste Italiane is first among the largest FTSEMIB companies to receive the ISO 30415:2021, for our commitment in integrating diversity and inclusion principles.

Obtained Equal Salary certification, rewarding Poste Italiane’s concrete application of equal pay in line with Group’s commitment in fostering fairness and merit.

• Received the “Assochange” award for “INSIEME-24SI” project, that involved Group’s employees, creators of 1,300 ideas for the execution of the ESG Strategy since the start of the programme. Progressing in reducing impacts from our operations contributing to achieve the transition to a low-carbon economy.

• The delivery fleet electrification project is ahead of schedule and Fortune magazine has included Poste Italiane in its prestigious “2022 Change the World” list. At the end of 2022, the number of low-emissions postini vehicles was approximately 23,000 (of which c.3,600 electric vehicles) while the number of fully green delivery centres was 28 (of which 13 completed in 2022). The flexible parcels delivery solution through our Punto Poste network, allowed the reduction in the number of kilometres travelled by half a million, for a total of c.50 tons of CO2eq saved, since the beginning of the year.

• Real estate management initiatives significantly contributed to Poste Italiane’s decarbonization path. In 2022, around 1,600 buildings were included in energy efficiency projects. In December a new photovoltaic plant was installed at the parcel sorting hub at Pomezia, near Rome. With 1,170 solar panels and 1,900sqm footprint, this installation is one of the largest in Italy.

Confirmed our commitment to responsible investments for a sustainable growth.

• Group’s sustainability investment strategy high-quality level confirmed: the half-year monitoring of the ESG profile and carbon footprint of the BancoPosta Fondi SGR and Poste Vita portfolios recorded stronger performance than reference benchmarks.

• Expanded range of investment and insurance products integrating ESG criteria. The weight of BancoPosta Fondi’s open-ended retail funds integrating ESG criteria has reached 88% (42% in 2021), while the percentage of Poste Vita products with ESG elements reached 60% (50% in 2021).

• Continued the participation to collective dialogue on sustainable finance issues. This year, BancoPosta Fondi SGR was among the main Italian asset managers that took part in working groups organized by “Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile” and in the “Digital Italian Sustainability Week” hosted by Borsa Italiana. BancoPosta Fondi SGR also published its annual voting and engagement report.