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Il ministro dell’Economia Giorgetti: “Il progetto Polis semplifica e migliora la burocrazia italiana”
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Finance Minister Giorgetti: “The Polis project simplifies and improves Italian bureaucracy”

The speech at the presentation of the Polis project: “With Polis, Poste makes a key contribution to reducing the time and costs of the administrative machine”

“Firm in its commitment to a structural simplification of administrative services, Polis improves bureaucracy and the simplification of the Italian administrative machine aimed at reducing time and costs. These are the words of Finance Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, speaking at the presentation of Poste Italiane’s Polis Project at La Nuvola Convention Hall in Rome. “I have always believed that the project is a key part of the NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Program) and its fulfilment” and that it represents “the extension of important individual rights throughout the territory”.

Promise kept

Giorgetti recalled how an Italy without “the diversity and idiosyncrasies of its network of towns” is “unthinkable” and how it is “a source of personal pride” to witness the launch of Polis seven months after having supported it from the same stage, then in the role of Minister of Economic Development, on the occasion of Poste’s 160th anniversary, in May 2022. “Back then, I already said that post offices are concrete signs of public presence in everyday life, places where citizens find support to do get things done and invest their savings, indispensable for the country as a whole. A little more than seven months later, I can see that the project is progressing well.

Poste to be proud of

Giorgetti added that Poste Italiane “is to be praised for the way it has believed in this project” to the extent that, pending the receipt of EU funding, “Poste has in any case launched 19 pilot projects, financing them with its own resources in order to improve the lives of citizens and businesses”. Giorgetti concluded by noting that Poste had made a “Copernican revolution in its attitude towards small municipalities”. “I fought as mayor of a small municipality to keep the post office open,” he recalled. Today, Poste has been able to transform its widespread network across small municipalities into a strength and I am sure that from this perspective it will continue to be one of the backbones of the country with its sensitivity in recent years, the same sensitivity that animated the birth of Polis”.