Poste Italiane presented the Polis project to AgCom, the Communications Guarantee Authority, in the historic postal building in Piazza San Silvestro in Rome, which houses the Poste Storie exhibition space. The Polis project was created to promote sustainability and inclusion, strengthening the economic, social, and territorial cohesion of small towns and the inland areas of the country by enhancing the services offered in small municipalities.
Poste Italiane’s social role
TG Poste interviewed Ivana Nasti, Director of Postal Services at Agcom, on the day of the presentation. According to Nasti, 'The postal sector plays a crucial role in the economic development and social welfare of the community and the country, as was seen during the pandemic', when Poste Italiane and the other operators in the sector 'made it possible not only to provide the postal service', but also 'ensured the minimum level of essential services to the community'.
Digital technology and communication
With the advent of digital technology, communication has undergone a 'Copernican revolution', and it is therefore clear that 'the authority, together with Poste Italiane — provider of the universal service and main operator in the postal sector — must interpret the changes and thus succeed in ensuring regulation that keeps up with the times'.
The 'happy intuition' of the Polis project
Speaking of what the postal service of the future will be, Nasti emphasises that 'the guiding light must remain protection of consumers who, in this sector, are not only users but, first and foremost, citizens'. Poste Italiane's Polis Project, she adds, 'is happy intuition whose main feature is precisely the understanding that the universal service of today and tomorrow must be rethought in order to be more responsive to the new needs of citizens'. The task of Poste Italiane and Agcom is, in fact, 'to increase the welfare of the community and Italian citizens'.