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Sostenibilità: Bluerating riconosce l’impegno green di Poste Italiane
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Sustainability: Bluerating recognises Poste Italiane's green commitment

Bluerating, a monthly magazine, reports on Poste's commitment to solidarity, focusing on the green funds in the Poste Vita and Bancoposta Fondi Sgr portfolios

The environmental and social sustainability of its work is one of the pillars of Poste Italiane's activities. Acknowledging this commitment is an article in the monthly magazine Bluerating, which emphasises that the Group has drawn up — thanks to the insights and will of CEO and General Manager Matteo Del Fante — an ESG strategic plan structurally integrated into the 2024 Sustain & Innovate Business Plan, which includes all the company's specific quantitative and qualitative sustainability targets.

ESG criteria

The article explains how one of the eight pillars of the plan is precisely sustainable finance, which calls for integrating ESG criteria into investment processes and choices to promote the responsible development of the company and the country. The monthly magazine highlights how Poste believes that including these issues throughout the company is necessary to pursue sustainable long-term performance, reduce environmental and social risks, and act with transparency and integrity in governance and towards employees and customers.

The principles that guide Poste

Analysing the activities of the group's two companies, Poste Vita and Bancoposta Fondi Sgr, Bluerating points out that both have supported the Principles for Responsible Investments promoted by the UN since 2019. In the article, we also read how Poste Vita signed on to, in the same year, the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, the signing of which formally commits the company to include sustainability criteria relevant to the insurance sector in its decision-making processes.

Green investments

One example is the investment, which is in Poste Vita's portfolio, in the Real Estate Diamond Eurozone Office fund, which has been awarded the highest rating in terms of sustainability by the GRESB Foundation, an international organisation that analyses and compares real estate investments from a social and governance perspective worldwide. In addition, Poste Vita also holds the Diamond Core fund, a real estate investment fund whose underlying asset is a LEED Gold certified property that obtained the first green financing in the Italian real estate sector.

Sustainable funds

The monthly magazine also mentions the green funds launched by BancoPosta Fondi Sgr, including BancoPosta Focus Ambiente 2027 and BancoPosta Focus Ambiente Marzo 2028, managed under delegation by Anima Sgr. Among the best-in-class ESG funds is Poste Investimento Sostenibile, managed under delegation by Amundi and composed of a pool of securities selected by the manager on the basis of criteria chosen using a proprietary ESG rating method.