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Servizi assicurativi: solidi risultati sui comparti “vita” e “danni”
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Insurance services: strong performance in the “life” and “P&C” sectors

In the third quarter of 2022 insurance revenues grew 23.9% year on year and amount to €500 million

In Q3 Insurance segment revenues were up 23.9% y/y to €500m (+8.6% y/y to €1.6bn in 9M-22).

In Q3 life revenues were also up 22.6% y/y to €460m (+7.9% y/y to €1.5bn in 9M-22), driven by increasing volumes and margins, also supported by inflation-linked bonds.

Non-life revenues rose markedly by 41.2% y/y to €40m in the third quarter of 2022 (+18.9% y/y to €116m in 9M-22). The increase resulted from both modular and welfare offer. The proposed acquisition of Net Insurance is expected to further accelerate growth projections.

Total life gross written premiums were up 7.5% y/y to €4.0bn (-4.6% y/y to €13.3bn in 9M-22).

P&C gross written premiums were up 15.8% y/y to €87m (+19.8% y/y to €286m in 9M-22).

In Q3 EBIT was up 30.2% y/y to €305m (+10.1% y/y to €980m in 9M-22), reflecting revenue trend.

At the end of September 2022, Poste Vita Group’s Solvency II Ratio stood at 207%, with transitional measures providing an additional buffer of 20 p.p. to address potential market volatility.