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Poste Italiane: il simbolo “PT” iscritto nel Registro dei marchi storici
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Poste Italiane: the PT symbol entered in the Register of Historic Trade Marks

The register protects the industrial property of historic Italian companies, highlighting the country's excellence and enhancing the value of Made in Italy

A yellow background accompanied by the unmistakable blue PT, a symbol as simple as it is iconic, recalling Poste e Telegrafi (which then became Poste e Telecomunicazioni), which has been part of Italians' lives for 160 years and recognised as a historic trade mark.

The discipline of trade marks

Poste's trade mark received this important recognition by being entered in the Register of Historic Trade Marks of National Interest. Italian Decree-Law No. 34 of 30 April 2019, commonly known as the Growth Decree, stipulates that owners or exclusive licensees of trade marks registered for at least fifty years and historically linked to Italy may enter them in the appropriate register. Similarly, anyone who demonstrates continuous use of the trade mark for at least fifty years may do so. The aim of this particular trade mark register is to protect the industrial property of historic Italian companies. It also aims to promote the country's excellence in the challenge of enhancing the value of Made in Italy, innovation, sustainability, and international competitiveness.

The Poste trade mark

The Poste Italiane trade mark fully meets the requirements, having been used for over 50 years throughout the country. The award came in Poste Italiane's160th year of operation — a company that has actively contributed to Italy's development. The award will be a major asset in protecting Poste Italiane's industrial property at a time when the company represents the excellence of Italy worldwide.

160 years of history

Several symbols have accompanied Poste's activities over these 160 years. While there used to be the postal horn of the Royal Post Office, the two letters 'PT' were established once the monarchy was abolished. PT was first short for Poste e Telegrafi first and later Poste e Telecomunicazioni. Since then, various shapes and insignia have accompanied the two letters, which nonetheless have always remained the symbol of the company's image. Even now, in the midst of the digital age, the trade mark continues to accompany the activities of Poste Italiane and the citizens who decide to entrust their savings and needs to Italy's largest employer. (in collaboration with the Historical Archives).

Above, the TG Poste report