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Polis has been launched - Poste's project to renovate post offices in small municipalities. The first to get the OK for funding from the EU
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Co-General Manager Giuseppe Lasco: ‘With the Polis project, Poste Italiane will help bridge the gap between small towns and large cities’

The speech by Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane, at the presentation of the 13th Civita Report 'When Sustainability Meets Culture’.

‘With the Polis Project, Poste Italiane will contribute to bridging the infrastructural gap that is still too wide between small towns and large cities.’ The Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco, was among the guests yesterday at the presentation of the 13th Civita Report 'When Sustainability Meets Culture’. After initial greetings from Gianni Letta, President of the Civita Association, and the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, Lasco spoke, explaining that 'businesses today are keen to engage, to invest and to dialogue with their stakeholders in a transparent manner, in line with the Agenda 2030' of sustainable goals. Precisely as the largest company in the country does, in terms of workforce and capillarity: 'Poste Italiane,' Lasco continues, 'has based its sustainability strategy on making the constant dialogue with stakeholders cohesive. From the outcome of these exchanges,we create results for a shared value'.

Group commitments

Speaking of culture, Lasco added that 'the work carried out in recent years by the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, has had a great impact on the understanding that it is necessary to invest in culture and create initiatives, especially in local communities'. The Co-General Manager brought the example of Poste Italiane in relation to the focus on culture and social issues: ‘We have made commitments to small municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, without closing any post offices, with the desire to serve the country's economy.’ These are the same reasons that led Poste to choose the Polis project as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), which was also mentioned and praised by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella at the event for the company's 160th anniversary: ‘The Polis Project,’ said Lasco, ‘will help to bridge the infrastructural gap’ and the still-too-wide divide between small towns and big cities.

A message of social inclusion

'Not only will we not close any post offices in the approximately 5,500 small Italian municipalities,’ Lasco reiterated, ‘we will actually create a one-stop point for the public administration to provide certain services, both directly and through evolved ATMs, which are also useful for spreading digital services.’ ‘It is a great message of social inclusion and, with this project, we will also provide spaces for coworking and cultural activities in 250 of our locations.’