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Dalla transizione green alla sicurezza: i risultati della crescita sostenibile di Poste:
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From green transition to security: The results of Poste's sustainable growth

In the second quarter, several of Poste's actions created long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders

Poste Italiane continues on its path of sustainable growth, creating long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders. Here are some of the main results for the quarter:

Insieme 24 SI

“Insieme 24 SI”: the three best projects submitted by internal teams were awarded, from more than 680 ideas since the launch of the initiative in November. The contest for ideas inspired by Poste Italiane's eight pillars of sustainability aims to involve the company's employees in executing the ESG Strategy.

Agreement with Police

Security agreement between Poste Italiane and the State Police has been renewed: Poste is maintaining its strong partnership, which has resulted in important synergies aimed at strengthening data security and preventing financial crime while keeping pace with the digital evolution of the products and services offered to its customers.

Financial and digital education

Projects for financial, digital and postal education: more than 100 online events held since the beginning of the year, as part of Poste's main initiatives to support social inclusion by staying close to local communities.

Green transition

Progress in the green transition: the renewal of the delivery fleet advances, with the inclusion of about 12,000 new vehicles, about 770 of which are electric, 6,000 hybrids, and the remaining low-emissions. In addition, the number of electric charging stations increased to 2,800 as of 30 June 2022. As part of its energy efficiency plan, Poste continues to update its post offices: 410,000 LED lamps were installed in the first half of 2022, more than 450 buildings became part of the Smart Building project and more than 40 photovoltaic panels were installed.

Sustainable investments

Solid ESG score for the investment portfolio: BancoPosta Fondi SGR and Poste Vita reported ESG and carbon footprint performance higher than the benchmarks, confirming the high quality of the investment strategy in terms of sustainability.


Poste Progetto Valore 360: the new multi-branch life policy invests in Poste Vita funds that also promote environmental and social issues, pursuant to Article 8 of EU Regulation 2019/2088.