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Poste Italiane si conferma leader nei servizi dei pagamenti digitali
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Poste Italiane confirms leadership in services for digital payments

Transactions with Poste Italiane’s 29 million payment cards rose to € 2 billion, with an increase in digital payments of 29% in 2021 compared to the previous year.

Over the last year, digital payments with Poste Italiane’s € 29 million payment cards rose to € 2 billion, an increase of 29% in 2021 compared to the previous year. The number of digital e-wallets also reached 9 million. These figures highlight Poste Italiane’s role as a driver of digital transformation in Italy, moving towards a cashless society.

The different cards

Poste Italiane’s latest solution is Postepay Green, a biodegradable card that aims to hit a target of 20 million biodegradable cards issued by 2025. It is aimed at the very young, from 10 to 17 years of age, and has been selected as “Product of the Year 2022”. Payment cards are available in many different versions, including Postepay Evolution with IBAN and Postepay Evolution Business. These products combine the standard services of a prepaid card with the main functionality of a current account, enabling users to send or receive bank transfers, pay utility bills and receive salary or pension payments.

Digital transformation

Poste Italiane has also decided to accompany citizens in the process of digital transformation by offering a fully digital card for digital payments. Postepay Digital, which can be applied for directly from smartphones and tablets, enables users to take advantage of all the services available in the app: from top-ups to payment of utility bills and public transport, and even the option to transfer small sums of money to other Postepay cards using the “p2p” service. Details of all available products and features can be found at