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Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco: “Proud to serve Italy”

The Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane highlighted the role of the company and its workforce during the Covid-19 emergency.

“We are proud of our colleagues for their efforts during the pandemic, bringing prestige to our company and serving the country.” These were the words of Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane, during the event celebrating the 160th anniversary of Poste Italiane, as he addressed employees recognised for their efforts during the pandemic: Tommaso Calabresi, Head of the SDA Operations Centre, Donata Cobianchi, Manager of the Casalpusterlengo post office, Eliana Mismetti, postal delivery worker in Alzano and Nembro, and Francesco Salerno, representing the team that designed and launched the platform for booking and administration of vaccines. “We would like to recognise all of our colleagues across the country,” added Mr Lasco, “who have proudly demonstrated that they are ready to respond to the company’s call, remaining at their posts in all the most critical areas, guaranteeing services on a continuous and permanent basis, and guaranteeing issue of pensions to the elderly through an agreement with the Carabinieri force.”

Historic anniversary

“I give my thanks and best wishes to all of the 121,000 people at Poste Italiane who place their professional expertise and experience at the service of Italians every day, with commitment and a great sense of responsibility” said Giuseppe Lasco. “These women and men are an invaluable source of human kindness and expertise. It is they, strengthened by the legacy of the past, who have enabled the company to play an increasingly strategic role for the country over the years. And this is why we are so proud to celebrate this historic anniversary together with them and across Italy, with the communities and institutions that we work with on a daily basis.”