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Poste Italiane fra i 25 marchi più forti al mondo secondo Brand Finance
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Brand Finance declares Poste Italiane one of the 25 strongest brands in the world

The Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante has climbed 51 places in the Brand Finance global 500. Reputation and consumer trust take brand value to $ 7.8 billion

Poste Italiane is among the top 25 global companies in terms of brand strength according to a ranking by Brand Finance. It achieved a score of 89/100 and a AAA rating, climbing 13 places since 2021. Only 84 global brands are rated AAA. As of 1 January 2022, the company’s brand was worth $ 7.8 billion, an increase of 26% on the previous year.

Leaping up 51 places

The Group led by CEO Matteo Del Fante has leapt 51 places and continues its climb in the Brand Finance Global 500, an international ranking that assesses the ability of brands to generate financial value through the strength of their image and reputation.

Brand Finance Insurance

In the 2022 Brand Finance Insurance 100, Poste Italiane has climbed to 18th place, up from 21st last year, for its ability to generate financial value. The increase in brand value, which is more than double the average of the 100 insurance companies in the rankings, places the company second among Italian insurance companies. Moreover, thanks to an “extremely strong” AAA brand rating, Poste Italiane ranks among the world’s top companies for brand strength in the insurance sector.


The AAA brand rating depends on various indicators: management of the marketing mix, return on image and reputation and the resulting return in terms of business performance. The elite strength of the Poste Italiane brand is marked by the quality of its marketing activity, judged superior to its competitors, and consumer perception rating, with the Poste Italiane viewed as outstanding in terms of value for money, ease of interaction, website and app, familiarity and popularity. Poste Italiane is also considered among the best insurance companies in terms of community focus.